
Showing posts from April, 2021

FOR (HEART DISEASE PREVENTION) இந்த வாசோ மெடிடெக் EECP சிகிச்சை முறையை எடுத்துக்கொள்ளலாமா?


Can I do Vaso Meditech EECP after stent procedure?


EECPசிகிச்சைக்கு பின்னர் இதயத்தில் சிறு இரத்த நாளங்கள் உருவாகி உள்ளது என்பதனை அறிய முடியுமா?


Can Heart transplant patient take Vaso Meditech EECP?


இந்த EECP சிகிச்சை முறையை எடுத்துக்கொள்ள சிறந்த இடம் எது?

 EECP Improves Kidney Function.           Synopsis. EECP improves kidney blood flow and helps improving kidney filtration. It also reduces harmful hormones, which increases blood pressure and damage the kidney. The two Kidneys in your body act like a garbage disposal system. All the waste products from the bodys metabolism are filtered through the kidneys and excreted in the urine. They play a significant role in eliminating excess fluid, controlling electrolytes balance, and blood pressure. We are now more dependent on our kidneys than before. It may be due to the intake of medications for our illness and various supplements. All these added so-called essentials have to be excreted through our kidneys. The most common cause of Kidney failure is long term diabetes and hypertension. When these two conditions are poorly managed; eventually, they result in affecting your kidneys, causing failure. You can initiate early preventive steps to minimize or eliminate your chance of ending up in

வாசோ மெடிடெக் EECP சிகிச்சைக்கு பிறகு என்னுடைய ECHO சதவிகிதம் மேம்பட்டிருக்குமா?


COVID Paradox: Delusional claims of COIVD-19 clinical variations.

                                        COVID Paradox: Delusional claims of COIVD-19 clinical variations.  Dr.S.Ramasamy.  tel:+919003070065 We are now facing a unique situation with many doctors spending time and seeing more COVID cases. It leads to a unique condition of every symptom patients present is inadvertently being related to COVID-19. An article titled " Young Patients turning up with clinical, radiological changes" appears on Hindu best explains this paradox. There seems to be an obsession to declare everything as COVID-19 related hastily.   One doctor has voiced his concern that lung involvement has suddenly changed to a different picture of multiple nodular patterns. Then he added CT scan also show variation. In this case, logically, they should suspect tuberculosis, possibly due to using steroids inadvertently, or suspect carcinoma or other pneumonia rather than thinking only of COVID. Even in these patients, if the test turns to be COVID-1

Can a patient with peripheral artery disease have EECP?


வாசோ மெடிடெக் EECP சிகிச்சை மூலம் எவ்வாறு எனது இதய அடைப்புகளை HEART BLOCKAGE குணப்படுத்த முடியும்?


Dr.S.Ramasamy Public talk in Sri Aurobindo society conference hall, conducted on 12th March 2021. " Non-Surgical Heart care EECP treatment".
