What is Vaso Meditech EECP Treatment?
Heart disease, mainly coronary artery disease is a significant concern not only in India but across the globe. Once the patient is diagnosed to have blockages in the coronary vessels, then the worst fear is when you asked to undergo Bypass surgery or Angioplasty, both are invasive and high-risk cardiac procedures. Now there is a new treatment called Vaso-Meditech Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP). It is another method to improve the blood supply to the heart muscle without the patient undergoing an angioplasty or bypass surgery.
The expansion for EECP is Enhanced External Counterpulsation. Enhanced means it is an advanced version, External means it is completely outside the body, it was not an invasive procedure, surgical procedure, or needing any injection. Counter means it counters the heart function, when the heart tries to pump the blood outside, the cuffs which are placed outside in the leg deflates. So that it can able to receive the blood from the heart. When the heart goes for the dilatation or the diastolic phase, the cuff inflates pushing the blood into the coronary circulation. So it is called a counter. And pulsation, is the blood flow into the blood vessels in a pulsatile manner because the heart pumps in systole and relaxes in diastole. So similarly inflation and deflation send a pulsatile blood flow into the vascular system. So it is called counterpulsation.
EECP is a completely outpatient procedure in that patients don’t have to get into hospitalization. Every day the patient comes for a one-hour treatment procedure and after that one hour they will stay for 15 minutes to do some vital examinations like blood pressure, and a pulse oximeter to access the oxygen saturation and monitor heart rate and then they go back home. This treatment can also be provided as a 2-session (double) per day. So that It can be completed in 15 days, usually the protocol is 35 days, 6 days a week, coming for six weeks. The USA, FDA has cleared enhanced external counterpulsation for cardiac alignment.
After the introduction of EECP in India, many insurance companies are covering EECP as an outpatient treatment for eligible cardiac patients, and it is an approved treatment for patients with angina and heart failure.
For more Information : https://www.healurheart.com/
Contact Details : 9003070065 / 9003070064
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