Lets Start by explaining how EECP treatment works. You lie on a sophisticated treatment table with three sets of compression cuffs strapped around your calves, Lower thigh and upper thigh regions. You’re also hooked up to an ECG heart monitor, which closely monitor your heart beat with microsecond precision. Once treatment begins, the cuffs sequentially inflate and deflate in sync with your heartbeat, and your legs are rapidly and rhythmically squeezed from bottom to top. Sounds simple, and it is. But let me tell you, this is powerful stuff help you to recover from your heart disease.

Every squeeze during EECP increases blood flow throughout the body dramatically boosting circulation. Most remarkable, however, are EECP’s long-term benefits even after the treatment is stopped the new collaterals or new vessels forms during the squeezing process become permanent When patients with angina undergo a full course of 35 one-hour treatments, they often say goodbye to chest pain, shortness of breath, angioplasty, and even bypass surgery.

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