COVID Paradox: Delusional claims of COIVD-19 clinical variations.


COVID Paradox: Delusional claims of COIVD-19 clinical variations. 

Dr.S.Ramasamy. tel:+919003070065

We are now facing a unique situation with many doctors spending time and seeing more COVID cases. It leads to a unique condition of every symptom patients present is inadvertently being related to COVID-19. An article titled " Young Patients turning up with clinical, radiological changes" appears on Hindu best explains this paradox. There seems to be an obsession to declare everything as COVID-19 related hastily.  

One doctor has voiced his concern that lung involvement has suddenly changed to a different picture of multiple nodular patterns. Then he added CT scan also show variation. In this case, logically, they should suspect tuberculosis, possibly due to using steroids inadvertently, or suspect carcinoma or other pneumonia rather than thinking only of COVID. Even in these patients, if the test turns to be COVID-19 positive; still, don't they think tuberculosis patients and cancer patients cannot develop COVID-19? It's a simple case of coincidental COVID infection present in tuberculosis, bacterial pneumonia, or cancer patients. Jumping to the conclusion COVID-19 is the cause for this is too premature.  

The next expert presented a new picture of COVID-19 presenting as Vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Again it's to be pointed out very clearly COVID is the flu. Anyway, millions of patients with another disease also would have been infected, and most will be asymptomatic for COVID-19 symptoms. Physicians should diagnose them for simple bacterial diarrhea and food poisoning.  

At least the above two claims can be argued since these patients are COVID-19 positive, and what if really COVID is causing different lung presentation and gastric symptoms even though it's unlikely. One expert then claimed the extreme; he suggested patient serum was COVID negative and the lung picture also not that of a typical COVID-19. Still, since the patient's condition worsens, he wants his diagnosis as COVID-19 categorically. Clinical medicine cannot become more absurd than this. Just figure this out from a different perspective. You are working in an endemic malarial region. So it's logical many will be having Malaria. If the Patient blood tests are negative for Malaria, and clinical presentation is also not of Malaria. Will you still treat him for Malaria? Even Malaria is endemic in this region; these patients may also have other diseases, don't you think so?  

Another expert did the final nail in clinical medicine. He pointed out that many patients' first manifestation of COVID-19 was a heart attack and stroke. Heart attack and stroke or the manifestation of cardiovascular disease. If he sees a heart attack patient, please evaluate his coronary vessel blockage. If the patient had a stroke, please measure his blood pressure. The difference between pre-existing disease-causing expected clinical presentation should not be confused with the presence of COVID-19 in these patients. COVID-19 is an incidental finding in these patients who has another disease.  

Doctors should stop blaming everything on COVID to accelerate and support the vaccine business. The vaccine is a must for needy high-risk patients. Vaccine acceptance should be done through informed consent, not through spreading wrong information that every disease is due to COVID-19. Even though COVID-19 is a dreaded disease, no fear-mongering should be allowed to panic the public. Physicians should take a higher role to present proper education and only should present facts. 


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